
Sunday, August 28, 2011

sunday craft time

if you wanna know the truth i should be doing this today:
yes, that looks boring to me too.  so while that was sitting to the left of me.....i decided to attempt to make a wreath.  last christmas i started trying to make one of those super cool yarn ones- that was supposed to eventually look just like the starbucks one a few years back.  i didn't get very far.  mine only ever looked like this:
NOT very cute.....i know.  so today, i cut strips of fabric and glued them over the wreath.

so, at this point i think it looks better than before but it's pretty plain.  so, i made some fabric flowers:
take the strip of fabric and make a knot

twist and hot glue as you spin the fabric.  sound more complicated than it is.

continue to glue as you turn

glue the extra fabric to the bottom of the flower

then i glued the flowers to the wreath.  simple as that.  and, instead of getting to that sweet pile of clothes- i made more fabric flowers and started gluing them to things around the house!!

and now....i'm off to fold that pile of laundry :)


  1. i see philippians 4:8 there. i need that one blown up huge at my house! cute flowers!

  2. Oh how cute!!!! Now you can make bracelets like the one you got me for my bday last year that I just LOVE!!
