as the school year was winding down i really wanted to do something nice for jack's preschool teachers. with some help from a friend we put together a special gift for them.
let me set the preschool scene:
it's september, he has just turned 4. we help him put on his backpack and walk him into his new class. jack has never been to preschool, daycare and rarely has had a babysitter. he knows no other children. i have no idea what he's thinking but i can sense that he's nervous. i fight back my tears as i help him put his things in his cubby. he's unsure of what to do, when his new teacher takes his little hand and helps him choose a book. i remind his other teacher about his epi-pen and how it's in his backpack, this time my hand was held. she looked into my teary eyes and told me she would take care of him. with a quick hug we left.
so as a little thank you to them for loving all of our children we made them flowers. i adapted this from family fun magazine. all you need is a potted plant, paper flowers, wooden dowels, hot glue gun and gift cards.
each child wrote his/her name on a flower, and i attached that and a gift card to each wooden stick
What an awesome idea Stephanie!!!! I will definitely keep that in mind for next year. I might be brave and actually become a room mom. LOL!!