
Thursday, June 10, 2010

rain rain go away

it rained yesterday.  the boys, girl and i watched the drops fall into the pool.  we had planned on swimming so they were pretty bummed.  i knew painting would make those boys happy.  i covered the table with trash bags, got the paint out- and there it was- hours of fun.  well, actually more like an hour of fun. 

why am i posting my kids painting you ask?  well- it comes with a tip of the day!  those little tin cupcake holders are perfect for paint.  the paper ones leak through and don't hold their shape- we've learned that the hard way.  but the tin ones are perfect.  these were left over from valentine's day.  best part is- toss them when you are done.  that's the kind of clean up i like.   


  1. i haven't painted with haven(18 months) yet, but we need to soon. thanks for the tip. it's good to "see" you again. :)

  2. Great tip!! Post more of those beautiful faces and I'm not talking about yours.
