
Sunday, January 22, 2012

making valentines

yesterday morning the kids requested that we do some type of craft.  with little plan i invited a few cousins over for a "valentine making party."  add the word "party" to any activity and it's more fun.  let's have a clean the playroom "party" - kids are all in.  just say "clean the playroom" not so much!  try it, it works.

 i gathered all of our supplies and we had a party.
i got this plastic coated table cloth last year on clearance at target.  it's perfect when you're using glue.  i also am a sucker for the holiday tin buckets.  i have them for every holiday.  they are perfect for craft supplies, snacks, gift buckets....the list goes on.

like i mentioned this was NOT a planned activity.  these stickers were from last valentine's day.  i keep them with the valentine's decorations.  i just pulled out the markers that seemed most appropriate for our cards.  if you are planning this event- you probably should have some paper doilies. 

i know.  it's not very festive or fun.  the only reason i even included it was to say that everything doesn't have to be perfect all of the time.  sometimes simple food works.  we didn't even have dessert......and some days that's ok too! 

fruit does look prettier in heart dishes :)

since i did call it a party i wanted to have one special touch.  i added sprinkles to our glasses and pink food coloring to the milk.  easy peasy.

since the kids are all so young i made a list of words they may want to include in their cards.  it helped to take away their frustrations of not knowing how to spell many words.  in most cases we help jack sound out words and figure out how to spell.......but remember, this was a party :)  happy heart day!

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