
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

a new year, a new look

jack has a new look.  it's adorable......wanna see?

can't tell a difference?  look a little closer.....

he did it!!!  he FINALLY lost a tooth!  he's 6- so he's been watching his friends and cousins do this for a while.  this boy has been wiggling this tooth for months.  while five of his cousins were in town visiting he was able to sneak away and yank it out all by himself.  he was so proud.  so was i.

he asked jordan to write a note to the tooth fairy asking if she would so kindly leave a prize and his tooth.  he wanted to keep the tooth.  "super floss" the tooth fairy was very sweet and did as he asked.  jack felt so bad the next afternoon for asking to keep the tooth.  he cried because he didn't follow the rules.  (just so you know- he doesn't cry when he doesn't follow my rules!!)  he asked me if i could be his "pretend" tooth fairy and keep his tooth.  this way he didn't keep it but he could still look at it if he missed it. 
i seriously love this kid. 


  1. OMG, that is the cutest story! You will cherish this forever (and the tooth :) ) He is such a sweetie pic...thanks for sharing! xooxo, Jasmine

  2. He's a big boy now!!!! Oh I am so proud of you jack! Cute cute cute. Xoxo s
