
Friday, January 6, 2012

we are bucket fillers

jack got a new book for christmas that is changing our family.  Have You Filled a Bucket Today?  by Carol McCloud is my new favorite thing.  if i were oprah i'd be giving it away in mass quantities.  it's great.  the book tells us that everyone carries an invisible bucket and throughout the day it gets filled and emptied.  full bucket=happy heart, empty bucket = sad.  it gives suggestions of things you can do to fill other people's buckets.  ever since we read the book we've been talking about all the ways we can fill other people's buckets.  my kids have really taken to this theme and i couldn't be happier.  when i catch them doing something good i make sure to compliment them on their bucket filling.  wednesday as i was bringing will to preschool he said he was going to be a good listener to his teachers so he could fill their buckets.  he's four.  awesome right? 

if you don't already have this book in your personal library i suggest you buy it.  be a bucket filler yourself!  it's so much fun.  it's one of my new year's be the best bucket filler i can be :)

because i want to fill your bucket i am giving a copy of this book to someone on monday.  in order to enter the giveaway i want you to leave a comment telling me how someone filled your bucket today! 

and really- you should make it one of your resolutions to be a bucket filler.  because when you fill someone's bucket it fills your as well! 


  1. My son, Jack, learned about this book a few months ago (in kindergarten)...I just love the idea of it.
    My bucket was given a good dose when I was with some girlfriends this a.m.-just having them love on me with their sweetness does this heart good!

  2. What a neat book. I had never heard of it before, so thanks for sharing. My bucket was filled today when I saw my boy snuggling with each other on the couch this morning while watching TV. Its the little things that make my heart smile. :)

  3. Thanks Steph! My bucket was filled when grace remembered that I would give her a lollipop if she had no accidents at school and used the big girl potty. She got a lollipop after school :) no accidents today and she was so proud.

  4. Love this theme!! It reminds me of the love languages and love tank....but for kids. How awesome! My tank was filled today when my friend called to say she would do round trip carpool today!!

  5. Love this book! My friend filled my bucket today after a long conversation about what would happen to my children should something happen to both my husband and I. She said she would be honored to continue raising my kids. Morbid thought, but I found a huge comfort in that.

  6. Hey Stephanie! I forgot to come back on here and comment but wanted to share with you....The evening after I read this, I was snuggling with Allison in bed and she said "Mommy, I just love you so, so much!". I was lying there silently, thinking about my bucket when all of a sudden, she said "Did you know that I have an invisible bucket above my head?". She and I have never talked about that book before, so I was blown away that we were both lying there thinking about the same thing. She read it at school...and now I am definitely getting us a copy! Thanks for posting about the book!
