
Monday, March 14, 2011

bird feeders

since it is monday-funday we made recycled bird feeders this afternoon!  i think i made these when i was in elementary school.  you can make these in many different ways- we used toilet paper and paper towel rolls because jack likes to use recycled household items.  you could also use large pine cones that you find around the yard.  most of the time you would use peanut butter as your "glue" but in our house we stay away from it.  see this face- he's allergic......

 for our bird feeders we used this:

toilet paper rolls, cream cheese, bird seed, string and spoons

make two small holes on either side and thread your string through.  this way you'll be able to hang your bird feeder.

spread the cream cheese on the rolls, then cover with plenty of bird seed.


and since you're outside, you should just stay and play for a while. 

1 comment:

  1. Come to my house, come to my house, come to my house....
