
Saturday, September 24, 2011

pumpkin chocolate chip muffins

my aunt terry is a great cook.  her specialty is sweet treats- she's nicknamed herself "aunt cookie" which my kids lovingly call her.  come to think of it- they wouldn't know her as anything else.  a few years ago she trusted me with her pumpkin chocolate chip bread recipe.  it's so yummy- i can eat it by the loaf.  i have adjusted it just a little- cause in my house we love muffins.

so instead of clove and allspice- i just use about a tablespoon of pumpkin pie spice. 

and i bake our muffins for 17 minutes
 gather up your supplies and favorite helpers:

 i ALWAYS let the kids measure and pour
 i said...."hey boys, what do you think is in this bag?"
boys say," CHOCOLATE!!"
 "how do you like that?"
 "will, what does chocolate make your face do?"
 i follow the recipe then stir the chips in at the end....
 always use an ice cream scoop for even muffins...
 your kitchen may look like this:
 your daughter may look like this:  (yes, i let her eat 5 chocolate chips......i have NO idea how she is so messy!)  i know my aunt would be glad she looks like this.  of course, she'd let her eat the whole bag!! 

 all that is worth it...because in the end you'll have these!
thank you aunt terry for this recipe.  it's one of my favorites.  i always think of you when i make them too.  xo-

total side note- for those of you with little ones- eating baby food.  you can mix the leftover pumpkin with a makes for a yummy baby food.  ok, i've never really tried it- but anna michael loved it last fall.  happy fall!


  1. First of all...YUM!
    Second of all...could your kiddos be any cuter?
    And lastly, I'm LOL over your son crossing his eyes. My boys have been trying to do that for months and cannot figure it out. Too funny.


  2. i made these yesterday and we all LOVE them. they are by far the yummiest pumpkin treat i've ever made and they were so easy to make!

    fyi...i comment every now and then but for some reason on some blogs i have to choose "anonymous" to comment. i'm not sure what the deal is. anyway, my blog is private b/c it always freaked me out when people i didn't know were commenting on, my email is if you want an invite to read mine.

    hope you have a great day! jenny
