
Saturday, December 10, 2011

christmas giving

the boys and i talked a few weeks ago about different people we could make happy during the christmas season.  during a veterans day celebration at jack's school he learned of a solider that was going to be away from his family this holiday season.  and while we don't actually know him- we know his mama. she spends her days taking care of my son.  i figured sending him a christmas package was a tiny way we could help take care of her son.

when we got his wish list i felt really sad.  he asked for candy, cookies, zip ties, batteries and duck tape.  shouldn't that be provided to all of our soldiers?  last week the kids and i went shopping for jake.  jack and will happily went down the candy isles- dumping all of their favorite treats into the cart :)

we spent an afternoon making christmas cards for jake and his friends.

even the girl wanted to help.

jack's message to jake is simple but i have a feeling it's going to make him happy.  thank you jake and all of the other brave men and women willing to make sacrifices to keep us safe.  we are grateful.  merry christmas. 

1 comment:

  1. You're the cutest sweetest ever!!! I love You!!! Xoxo, AC
